Non-Biological Parent Figures In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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When a student has a personal question he or she would like to ask, they often turn to their school’s guidance counselor. Whether the question is about a personal relationship, their academic achievements (or lack thereof), or even problems they have at home, counselors are always there to give advice without being judgemental. Many students develop a strong bond with their guidance counselors, and keep the connection throughout their four years of highschool and sometimes even into the early years of college. Similarly, in William Shakespeare’s timeless play Romeo and Juliet, the main characters have created lasting connections with non-biological parental figures, who help them navigate their way through the ups and downs of young love. Shakespeare shows the readers how a person not physically related to another could play the parental role in their life better than an actual parent, illustrated through the…show more content…
Friar Lawrence has a large influential role in Romeo's life throughout the play, which illustrates the theme that a person not related to someone could be more of a parent to them than a biological parent. Romeo immediately runs to find Friar Lawrence after he meets Juliet for the first time at the Capulet party, and excitedly explains the situation he is in. The Friar is taken aback, as Romeo had come crying about his unrequited love for Rosaline just days ago, so he confronts Romeo and says, “...Thy old groans yet ringing in mine ancient ears. / Lo, here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit / Of an old tear that is not washed off yet. … Thou and these woes were all for Rosaline. / And thou art changed?” (Shakespeare 2.3.78, 81) Romeo has come crying to the Friar many times as a result of his unrequited love towards Rosaline, and trusts the Friar to be able to

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