Emotional Effects Of Jane Eyre

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The greatest emotional impact in the book is Jane’s constant struggle between her passion and honor. The struggle between her heart's desire to be with Rochester and her self-honor. Her honor and self-worth is the reason she leaves him because no one would have found out about their relationship being "adulterous" because no one knew about Bertha... it was Jane deciding that she was worth more than being a mistress. Charlotte Brontë used first person narrative to connect the reader to Jane’s voice. By doing so, we can feel empathy for Jane because we understand her thoughts and feelings as we experience her turmoil with her. Throughout the book, we see Jane’s constant struggle between what her heart wants and what she believes is the best thing to do. We see the constant push and pull between Jane and Rochester’s relationship together. From the struggle of her…show more content…
But, none of these moments had the same amount of impact as when Jane had made the decision to leave Rochester and Thornfield manor behind. In chapter twenty seven, it is nothing but a large pile of emotional distress on not only the characters in the book, but the reader as well. In this chapter, it is revealed that Mr. Rochester is already wed to a madwoman named Bertha, who has lived in Thornfield locked away in a third story room for ten years. Now, this was already bad, but what made the revelation worse is that it was revealed at the wedding of Jane and Rochester. Rochester then shows everyone his mad wife and tries to plead his case as to why she is there and why he should be allowed to marry Jane. In the telling of his story, you start to feel sympathy for both Rochester and in a strange way, for Bertha. You want to accept that it is not all

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