The Pros And Cons Of Leadership Training

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The phenomenon of leadership training is embedded in every sphere of life and most importantly it is a recommended fact in the field of education where the foundation of a country is being built. A school head like the head of any other institute will start looking at the things entirely from a new angle after understanding of his/her role through professional development training courses. Hence, for developing leadership attributes, to get enrolled for school leadership training programs, is mandatory for the heads in various European countries (Marshall and Reason, 2007). 2.2: Leadership Theories: Earlier than the concept of leadership trainings emerged, the literature of previous decades provides many theories used for the perception of…show more content…
It is evident through numerous research studies that administrative support provided to teachers at workplace, has a direct link with teachers’job satisfaction and motivation for performing duties. On the contrary, the lack of head teacher’s supportive attitude can cause frustration in teachers and they can feel themselves ignored & unimportant (Lipham, 1981), that can deteriorate their performance level as well. Many empirical evidences are cited by Olaleye (2001), Ibukun (1997), Leithwood and Jantzi (1999) indicating that transformational leadership inculcate the sense of motivation in their…show more content…
Akber Ali (2009) studied the performance of the school heads after their professional development in Pakistan and the study found that the leadership course had a positive impact upon the practices of the studied head teachers but these practices were not sustained for a longer time that contradicts his finding of ‘positive impact’. Qaise Abbas and SaraYaqoob (2009) study was conducted to explore the effect of leadership development on employee performance in Pakistan. This study was carried out regarding five factors of leadership development, i.e. coaching, training and development, empowerment, participation and delegation and deduced that employees’ performance is influenced 50% by the combined effect of these factors. The other 50% was yet unexplored. Therefore, firstly we have to explore the impact of professional development programs in relation to local context, with the real philosophy behind these courses because of which this important area of organization and employee development remains unexplored at large. Although, Tirmizi (2002) has designed a model of leadership research and development in Pakistan and this leadership development instrument based on 6- L framework, that is: 1. “Leads and encourage

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