Importance Of Transformational Leadership

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For step 3 transformational leader within the organization together with his employees shape a vision and strategy realistic and attainable based on the mission set out by the organization, this strategy serves as a road map for the organization on the course of action. Kotter posits that the basic elements of the vision should be organized into a strategy for achieving that vision so that the transformation does not disintegrate into a set of unrelated and confusing directives and activities (Melchor, 2008, p.196). Hersey-Blanchard Model of leadership highlights that while some leaders support employee by listening and providing engagement to facilitate interaction others directing and does not provide adequate support. Step 4 & Step 5,…show more content…
Organizational leadership is the ability for leaders within organization to manage and protect the organization’s goals and vision by realizing employees need and company targets, to bring together a better workplace and environment that facilitate growth and the achievement of one common goal (Sansom 1998) in the change process. This leadership in organizations plays a central role in the development and evolution of an organization and its members. Senior and Fleming describe an organization’s leadership as a person who can promote change in an organization by its vision and strategy (Senior and Fleming, 2006). Kotter discuss that without the vision of leaders and motivation in organizations employee while executing their functions, may do so meaningless, which can result negatively for an organization in the future. Hence, the transformational- connective, charismatic and visionary leader have proved to cultivate positive results within organizations and society at large. As such, in order to improve internal and external progress and functionality public organizations need changes, that can survive in the short term and long term. These changes are usually driven by the needs of society for better services whether to improve financial performance, customer satisfaction and enhances employees, but most of all…show more content…
These theories ranges from the trait theory of leadership to the transformational leader of leadership where each carries their specific weighs. However, its effectiveness within organizations is determined by the situation and change in which that organization endures. The case of transformational leadership and its potential to understanding change and performance in public organizations was presented by highlight Kotter’s 8 step model of leading change and how this leadership styles helps to advance organizational performance and change. Maintaining employees interesting at the same time advancing the organization’s goals and

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