Trait Theory In Leadership

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Trait Theory Gordon W. Allport’s theory believes that a leader is born with his or her ability to lead (Pidgeon, 2017). The ability is made up of personality traits needed to be possessed by any individual in a leadership position. Allport’s theory focused on identifying a combination of characteristics that are common among leaders (Pidgeon, 2017). For example, Martin Luther King, Jr. influenced many to follow him in his fight for justice through his charisma, self-confidence, intellect, and courage. However, researchers have conducted studies to test this theory and found that there was very little evidence to prove there are specific traits found consistently to predict leadership effectiveness (Maloş, 2011). Additionally, the theory analyzed…show more content…
For example, if we like a behavior of an employee then we might provide a reward or simply a smile to motivate the reoccurrence of that behavior. The theory helps by instructing leadership to encourage and reward in some way positive behavior to continue for an increase in employee productivity (Pinder, 2014). For behavioral theorists, a leader’s behavior is the best determinant of his or her leadership success (Lussier & Achua, 2015). Although, researchers have failed to establish a consistent link between task and relationship leadership behaviors link and outcomes (e.g. productivity, morale) (Northouse, P.G., 2013) within an…show more content…
This technique is mostly used by managers within organizations and focuses on the needs, beliefs, and values of employees to appeal to their own self-interest and influence them to support their organizational goals (Varol & Varol, 2012) by motivating through a reward and punishment system. According to Varol and Varol (2012), if a subordinate does what is expected, a reward will follow, and if he or she does not go as per the desires of the leader, a punishment will follow. For example, Charles de Gaulle by exhibiting a transactional type of leadership with its reward and punishment techniques was able to become the leader of the free French in a crisis. Transactional leaders are typically looking for followers/employees exhibiting good or bad performance. This type of leadership style is not looking to change the original way the organization has operated but to maintain the status

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