Transformational Leadership Theory: Characteristics And Theories

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1- Executive Summary This report defined and analyzed the leadership concept throughout an actual leader. The chosen leader here is the Chief Executive Officer of Oman Tourism Development Company Engineer Wael Al Lawati. The report identified the chosen leader’s characteristics from different sources and linked those qualities that recognize him as an effective leader. The most closely leadership theory that represent the style demonstrated by Wael is the Transformational Leadership theory. For that, it was necessary to explore in depth this leadership theory and explorationutilized to benchmark Wael’s leadership style. Finally, the report presented some general conclusions and lessons that indicate a no single and worldwide view of leadership.…show more content…
As per Burns (1978), transformational leadership recognized a leader who works out a changes, develop visions and put up action plans to execute the wanted changes along with followers’ commitments. Transformational leadership theory as introduced by Burns (1978), increases leader and followers to upper levels of morality and motivation. This theory was extended then by Avolio and Bass (2004). According to them, this leadership includes four factors: inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. The following section describes each of these dimensions as introduced by Avolio and Bass (2004) and supported by studies carried out on same subject. 4.1- Idealized Influence: Here at this element is when the leader provides a role model that grants a respect, trust and admires of his/her followers. Also, followers are identifying with and imitating their leader. Beside the things that leaders do to earn credits with their followers is to consider their requirements over his/her own

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