Transformational Leadership Concept

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3. THE CONCEPT AND SCOPE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Leadership, which is a social phenomenon, is influenced by change, like all other social phenomena. It is known today that conventional leadership approach is not sufficient for managing change effectively. Therefore, it has become inevitable that an understanding of leadership that is based on change should be formed, and thus studies on leadership has put forward “transformational leadership”. Due to its innovative and people oriented nature, transformational leadership is regarded as a quite effective leadership style (Sabuncuoğlu and Tüz 2008). Transformational leadership is open to innovation and it involves radical changes in the organization. Transformational leaders consider…show more content…
Burns divided leadership into two categories called transactional leadership and transformational leadership. Transactional leadership involves an exchange between the leader and his followers based on economic or political factors. On the other hand, in transformational leadership theory, parties are committed to each other psychologically in the long term, the leader changes the beliefs, values and needs of his followers and they act collaboratively in order to achieve a certain vision (Tetik 2014). According to Bass (1985), the social exchange process involved in transformational leadership is different from the economic exchange involved in transactional leadership. Transformational leaders empower their followers and care about their individual needs (Zhu and Akhtar…show more content…
Of particular interest to leadership scholars was the positive character strength of authenticity. It is from this point of departure that authentic leadership theory was conceived, and that authenticity became the management buzzword it is today (Dasborough et al. 2014). Authentic leadership (AL) refers to a leadership style in which the leader demonstrates to others a genuine and honest desire to understand their leadership in order to serve others more effectively (Gatling and Harrah 2014). Craig et al. suggest that people in modern organizations seek authentic leaders whom they can trust, but they do not offer their trust so easily. Especially knowledge workers in today’s business environment often know more than their bosses. They want the opportunity to step forward and have an influence. They are motivated to work really hard, but will do so only for an organization whose purpose they actually believe in. They are seeking meaning and significance in their work. They are willing to trust their leaders only if they prove themselves worthy of their trust: in other words, “authentic leaders”

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