Contemporary Leadership Analysis

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Traditional and Contemporary Leadership Models The study on rural leadership is filled with details of the challenging approach of rural areas. Of the challenges mentioned, leadership essential to support rural areas in growing their traditional boundaries emerges to be the most considerable. As society becomes more complicated, rural areas become similarly complicated, placing a greater requirement on the people who assist them. But what is leadership? Do leaders have particular features and/or physical traits? Is a leader a person who closely observes the performance of others? Are leaders, people who define a vision and motivate other members in the community to trust in that vision? Do leaders inform others what to do, inform them when…show more content…
Or, are leaders, people who can establish a particular kind of relationship with individuals, making every person feel particular? In pursuit of a response to these questions and to make a clear description of leadership, researchers, theorists, and practitioners have spent over a century observing and reviewing different theories on the issue of leadership. In the vast body of literature collected over the last century, meanings and definitions of leadership are conflicting. For instance, in an earlier work, Burns (1978) explained that there were 130 definitions of leadership. Moreover, Bennis and Namus (1985) revealed about 350 descriptions of leadership over three decades. Leadership has also been explained from an interpersonal and behavioral perception. For instance, Avolio (1999) mentioned leadership as the quality of the individuals’ behavior whereby they assist people or their actions in an organized attempt. In spite of various definitions of leadership, these components can be recognised as central to the phenomenon of leadership: (a) leadership is a procedure; (b) leadership relates impact; (c) leadership happens within a group…show more content…
This literature review has tried to highlight an overlooked area of research, which are concerns associated to leadership in rural societies. It has also recommended a leadership model that focuses concerns particular to rural communities. Therefore, leadership demonstrates the transforming philosophical methods to leadership. These modifications comprise a shift from one of dominance and control to a further inclusive and supportive leadership approach. This shift is being called the “new leadership” for the 21st century. In the future, if supporting professionals and others are to be successful in working with rural communities, the leadership framework has the ability of breathing new energy into rural communities, and improving the lives of the people who live

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