Role Of Women In STEM

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Traditionally, it is found that there are few women in STEM ( science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields, both academically and professionally. Although the number of women in STEM fields are increasing, the disparity between men and women in STEM educational and professional fields is still glaringly high (as cited in Haussman, 2014). Stereotypes play an important role in shaping our view of where we belong and essentially, who we are. Cundiff, Vescio, Loken and Lo (2012) argued that ‘stereotypes signal thoughts about who does and who does not belong in particular settings’ (p.542). Many researchers have explored the role of negative stereotypes behind fewer women in STEM fields. Such as researchers Hill, Corbett and Rose…show more content…
quality education and full and equal access and participation in science and technology for women of all ages are imperative for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women, and an economic necessity, and that they provide women with the knowledge, capacity, aptitudes, skills, ethical values and understanding necessary for lifelong learning, employment, better physical and mental health,... as well as for full participation in social and economic and political development (as cited in Forgasz et al., 2014). The existing stereotypes about women in STEM hold them back from entering and participating in STEM. Historically, negative stereotypes about women have discouraged them from STEM fields, both in educational and professional choices; resulting in the relatively lower number of women in this domain compared to men. Negative gender based stereotypes discourage women from STEM by influencing them to have lower interest, participation and performance in STEM…show more content…
Such sentiments were also expressed by former president of Harvard University Larry Summers, who attributed lack of willingness and ability to work hard as one of the reasons behind lower representation of women in STEM ( Lawler, 2005, para.4). Summers argued that women generally do not work the 80-hour weeks necessary for professions like

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