Organizational Leadership Skills

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Organizational leaders today must portray a wide range of skills and attributes in order to be successful in driving their organizations to success. For instance among the most significant skills and traits that leaders need to have include communication skills, team management skills, decision making, and conflict resolution in order to manage the people within the organization effectively (Charnov, 2008). These skills will enable the managers and organizational leaders. For instance, communication skills will enable the leaders to bring their interpersonal skills into use when relating with different people and creating a common understanding among key stakeholders in their organizations. Decision making and conflict resolution will help…show more content…
Their authority comes from the company’s constitution and by-laws that make up the organizations structure. Therefore, the junior staff has no other option, but to obey and trust the managers. Managers also have limited time and resources to handle all the work that is available to them; therefore, they hand over most of the responsibilities to their subordinates so that they focus on other matters. Finally, managers often tend to be well learned people with vast experience in business and organizational…show more content…
The leadership style in such a situation requires training and managing workers in different shifts. Greater flexibility means flexible working hours for the workers and thus an increase in productivity. But this has to be done within the constraints of the resources and must utilize whatever resources it is provided with. This will decrease cost at the same time increasing productivity volume. In the second situation, due to a strict deadline and the pressure of the client company’s launch of new logo, the printing company must adopt a democratic style of leadership where employees are able to make quick decisions and able to implement them there and then and must be able to work in teams. This will accelerate the pace of work and it would be done on time. In the third situation, the college must go for the second option where a consultant is hired and the opinions of all affected parties are heard. Voting could be done for those in favor of evening sessions, and those in favor of day sessions. Decision will be made based on the votes of the majority.Employees can be motivated in several ways: Pay-for-performance
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