Tqm Quality Cycle

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THE TQM VISION: The quality cycle begins and ends with the user. It starts when the user's need is analyzed to design a product. During the development & manufacture of that product, various departments and sections of the company make their contributions in building quality into it. The cycle ends with the user because the final proof of the product quality comes during its use by the user, whose "delight" is the ultimate aim of this concept. Quality is no longer the exclusive domain of the inspectors, manufacturers and pharmacists. Even Sales personnel have their role to play in the achievement of the primary objective of quality. Quality Management, as does any management process, has three main components: 1. Quality Planning - Designing…show more content…
As such we need to know the basic ideas behind TQM. Organizations are made up of a complex system of customers and suppliers. People pay attention to who supplies them; with what they need to do their job and who the customer is for what they produce. When everybody becomes concerned about meeting their customers' requirements, quality will be there, without doubt. In meeting customer expectations the focus must be on the process, not just on the results. To improve a process it is important to look at the socio-cultural issues of organization to create a healthy, open atmosphere in which people are willing to open up and do some introspection on their processes. And this is something the management must be able to facilitate. In contrast to traditionally managed organization, TQ managed organizations believe that, though there is no complaint from the customers, there is always scope for improvement. Everybody in the organization is trained to plan & participate in groups. Meetings & Brain storming sessions become primary vehicles for planning & creative problem solving. Each member in the team is recognized & rewarded. Errors and problems are viewed as opportunities for learning rather than blunders to be…show more content…
Its supplement of work force and aircraft assets positions fourth among the aviation based armed forces of the world. Its essential mission is to secure Indian airspace and to lead aeronautical fighting amid outfitted clash. It was formally settled on 8 October 1932 as an assistant flying corps of the British Empire which regarded India's aeronautics benefit amid World War II with the prefix Royal. After India picked up freedom from the United Kingdom in 1947, the name Royal Indian Air Force was kept and served for the sake of Dominion of India. With the government's transition to a Republic in 1950, the prefix Royal was expelled after just three

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