Toy Product Industry: Product Development In The Toy Industry

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Product Development In toys industrial there are two kinds of product, one is “Original Brand Manufacturer” - OBM it was own built product from idea to production until selling in market by internal company resource, Barbie series was a typical example which hundred percent made by Mattel. Another is “Original Equipment Manufacturer” – OEM for example idea came from licensor like Disney’s Toys Story, ES team will base on licensor’s requirement to create appropriated product with Toys Story character. Toy’s product life cycle has been shortening almost ten years, Mattel competes domestically and international companies that sell products outside the toys such as video games and electronic consumer products like tablets and mobile devices in…show more content…
Since every single toy has to pass through the several test strictly before packaging, all of tests was standard procedure to ensure product safety before pack in packaging, this process is part of supply chain from inbound to Outbound. Production & Capacity Planning Mattel’s business is highly seasonal, buyers like Walmak and Toysrus were making a large percentage of all toys purchasing act during the traditional holiday season. Those seasonal purchasing activities and requisite production lead-time affect highly with the underproduction of popular toys and the overproduction of less popular toys that don’t assort consumer requirement. Before mass production, there are 3 of core functional teams Marketing & Sales team, Schedule Planner team and ENG team who are main characters to drive the product from production to buyer’s retail shop in Mattel. Schedule Planner team is a role of controller of whole schedule from beginning idea to launch date with working closely with ENG team. Each project has a different complexity that means planner will project the project lead-time respectively since the complexity of project situation with functional team to maintain launch date will not be…show more content…
Marketing & Sales team required sales samples of Boys and Girls categories for buyer have a first look on new product and they could predict the how much forecast of sales volume after obtained the feedback (customer needs). There were over fifty piece of new items in one season, once the sales order has been confirmed, sales team will offer the solid quantity of order to assigned factory, at this moment factory has to rearrange or hire more human labor to fulfill the capacity of production if the order amount comes huge. Moreover, there was a situation that full capacity loading of production line when peak season like August to November for the big seasonal sales of Christmas. Meanwhile, ENG team is role of bridge to cooperate with factory produces product and report to Marketing & Sales team regularly about the product status. In factory side, ENG team commands factory’s procurement team to purchase enough raw materials and production equipment, assure the production line will not be stopped because suppling materials issue. Mattel’s raw materials are sourced from various suppliers but it may be variable in market

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