Love Story Of My Mother

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Before my existence and my parents’, was the love story of my grandparents. Let me start with my father’s parents, my Nanay and Tatay. My Nanay and Tatay’s love story focuses on the quote, “Love is sweeter the second time around.” Want to know the reason? Well, here’s how it goes, around 70 years ago, a man with fair skin complexion and a sharp nose, my Tatay who happens to be a widow with no children and a teacher at the same time migrated from San Fernando, La Union and set his footsteps in a municipality named Tagnipa now, El Salvador City, specifically in the neighborhood of Molugan. During his stay in Molugan, he met a mestiza who also happened to be a teacher, my Nanay. They fell in love with each other and my Tatay married for the second time around. My Tatay then decided to settle down. Part of being a married couple, my Nanay and Tatay made love to each other and was blessed with seven little angels by God. My father was their youngest son and the second to the last child of my Nanay and Tatay. It was on the 1st of October 1958, when my Nanay gave birth to my Father through normal delivery. On the other hand, the story of my grandparents in my mother’s side was a unique one. My Lola is of a “Morena” beauty and has a curly hair, she got from her mother. She had every part of her body,…show more content…
In 1992, my father was the only “bachelor” municipal councilor. My mother recalled, when she made a courtesy call before the Sangguniang Bayan being the Municipal Trade and Industry Officer of the municipality, Mayor Boy Tan introduced my father to my mother and started teasing or pairing them with each other. My father and my mother immediately became friends. When my mother had programs with her clients in the municipality, my father as municipal councilor would attend. After six months of my mother’s assignment, she was hired at the City Hall of Cagayan de
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