Quality Management In Angola

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STRAYER UNIVERSITY A STUDY OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN ANGOLAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM A DIRECTED RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTERS HEALTH SERVICE ADMINISTRATION SUBMITTED TO SUSAN CRIM, MBA BY ELMA CARVALHO WASHINGTON, DC July 2007 ABSTRACT Angola is a third world country located on the west coast along the south Atlantic in southern Africa. It won its independence from Portugal in 1975. Although, Angola has undergone great challenges such a war episodes that lasted approximately three decades; therefore the great changes such as peace, reconstruction and development leads Angola towards the progress. However, the pace of progress…show more content…
Teams should experience pleasurable work, as result of a transition from old methods of quality control to a new method. The old methods are “incentives, blame, inspection and surveillance” (Berwick, Godfrey and Roessner, 1990, p. 148). The new methods include team formation, experimentation, scientific investigation, customer’s rights and satisfaction enhancement. Berwick, Godfrey and Roessner’s analysis is indeed helpful for this research for two reasons. Mainly, this book illustrates in four key lessons what really works and does not work as quality management methods in developing Healthcare systems. The application of the principles of quality improvement in healthcare is discussed briefly in chapter 3 and in more detail in chapter 6. Further, this source offers the specific strategic plan needed to implement in Angolan healthcare…show more content…
Managing the quality of Health care in developing countries introduces performance standards and guidelines to enhance healthcare quality. The first section of the book highlights the objectives and rationale for quality improvement. There are five objectives of healthcare quality improvement: fulfillment of society commitments, efficiency, protection of public health, fiduciary responsibility and educational goal. The first objective to improve quality of care is a fundamental effort linked to society commitments; because society in every civilization guarantees that medical institutions have the authority to extend life, to alleviate stress and to reduce the mortality rate (preventing unnecessary

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