Chapter 4 Major Factors: Reasons For A Car Accident

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CHAPTER THREE 3. REASONS FOR CAR ACCIDENTS 3.1 Introduction Car accidents may causes due to several reasons. We classify the reasons for car accidents in to four major types as:  Personal Factors  Technical Factors  Natural And Environmental Factors  Infrastructural Factors 3.2 Four major reasons I. Personal Factors In this section we will see some factors or reasons of car accidents that are directly related with the driver’s skill, abilities and actions. Human error contributes to accidents in 90% of cases. It is either the driver of the truck or the other road user that makes the mistake that contributes to the accident. This may include;  Excessive speed  Distracted driving  Younger drivers driving beyond their skills  Older…show more content…
The risk is highest at age 16—twice as high as for 18- to 19-year-olds. Strong graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs for new drivers are highly effective in reducing their crash risk. GDL requires young drivers to drive under supervision and limits their exposure to hazardous situations until they gain necessary driving skills. While all states have GDL programs in place, increased benefits can be achieved by ensuring compliance and testing. Older Drivers Driving Beyond Their Cognitive and Physical Abilities The number of older (age 65 and over) licensed drivers increased 23 percent between 1999 and 2009; there were a total of 33 million licensed drivers age 65 and older in 2009. In 2008, they comprised 13 percent of all licensed drivers. Drivers age 70 and older have (per capita and per mile traveled) elevated risk of being at fault for fatal crashes. In addition, older adults have an increased susceptibility to injury and medical complications when involved in a crash. For older drivers, the use of license evaluation for identifying perceptual or cognitive deficits reduces

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