Tourism In The Philippines

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Chapter 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Review of Related Literature Cebu being one of the destination of local and foreign rest and recreation travelers, there is no question that its tourism industry has been increasing its number within this year. Morexette Erram a journalist from Cebu Daily News once reported, “For Cebu Provincial Tourism Office chief Boboy Costas, the numbers from DOT-7 were proof that Cebu remained as a top, favorite tourist destination in the country — for both local and foreign tourists — despite foreign trip advisories warning their nationals against travel to some towns of southern Cebu. In 2015, 4.6 million tourists were recorded to have visited the region. The figures jumped to 5.95 million in 2016. Cebu is still…show more content…
The pace at which real estate investors are going into hotel development sounds an alarm to facility management services especially in maintenance and renovation sections. The hotel industry has two main category of customers, the corporate guests who stay in the hotels for business and conference meetings primarily using facilities from Monday until Thursday and leisure guests who usually stay in hotels on weekends and holiday periods. The hotel market is strongly affected by new trends and technological changes and influenced by macro factors in the economy both on a country level and on international level. (Susan…show more content…
Designers are combining metal technology and native rattan weaving, splitting, bleaching, and using abaca-rope in stylish ways; laminating coconut shells and twigs into biomorphic artworks; making soigne lounging chairs from seagrass and organic lamps from handmade paper; mixing fiber glass pipes with twigs and shells. (Elizabeth Reyes, Tropical Interiors) These innovative Philippine designs are described by Ms. Araceli Pinto-Mansor to have a main characteristic of soulful creativity. With Filipinos having a true unique talent and creativity with natural materials. Filipino designers are now using the wealth of traditional, indigenous materials that they always have had - volcanic rock and forest vines to coconut palm wood and narra wood—but the young designers are using them on non-traditional ways, natural materials are being beaten, pressed, polished, woven and stained to make urban, upscale, high-end innovative and modernist designs. (Style Writer Patricia Dane
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