Essay About Agriculture In The Philippines

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Results and Discussion The population of farmers in the Philippines is declining and aging. According to a study recently conducted, the average age of Filipino farmers is already 57 years old. Moreover, Filipino youths are increasingly dissuaded in pursuing opportunities in the agricultural sector due to the persistent poverty levels seen in agricultural areas (Santiago, 2015). This view has been reinforced by other factors such as its perceived hardships as described in a famous Filipino song “Magtanim ay Di Biro” (Planting is not a Joke), and its negative reputation as an inferior college course hence, the perennial statement of Filipino teachers to underperforming students, “go back to the province and plant kamote (sweet potato)”. If this trend continues, Philippines might suffer from numerous consequences such as loss of farm lands to rapid urbanization, climate change and the most troublesome, food insecurity. The Philippine government has long known these consequences and has been exerting efforts to address it especially through agricultural modernization. Laws and programs are implemented to entice people, especially the youth, to venture into agricultural sector. One successful business…show more content…
the resort. Later on, they ventured into other revenue streams that include offering an events place, a farm store, farm tourism, a training center, a learning site, livestock and poultry, and vegetable orchards. The most recent among these is the learning site. With this, they provide training for mango production and cultural management, farm tourism, good agricultural practices, and climate smart farm business to youth, farmers, and other interested people. Mrs. Annette Patdu tries to share all that she has learned from the numerous trainings and seminars she’s been and her experiences in operating the farm. She also shares new technologies with other farmers to help them augment their income and rise from

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