Regional Integration In ASEAN

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INTRODUCTION Before the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed, Southeast Asian region was divided into several ways i.e. Indonesia versus Malaysia and Singapore (Konfrontasi activities), Malaysia versus Singapore (Separation away from Malaysia), Philippines versus Malaysia (Dispute of Sabah), Thailand versus Myanmar/Burma (Border Disputes). In the midst of the messy situation, ASEAN was formed by then foreign ministers of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines on 8 August 1967 to act as the go-between for all Southeast Asian countries, with the motto” One Vision, One Identity, One Community”. There are 2 reasons for ASEAN to be established: (1) It emphasis on discussion with the affected agencies and understand the problems of each affected agency and insists on consensus not to take any action that threatens the livelihood of any members by any affected agencies and (2) It aim to prevent the countries under ASEAN…show more content…
It is defined as the multi- actor (state, market and people) led regional mechanisms and institutions (political, economic and social institutions) with the goal of achieving common interests, vision and identity. Regionalization is the process in which different stakeholders act together to implement and realize regionalist ideologies and policies. It is a process that promotes the formation of regions. In today’s context, the likelihood of inter-state conflicts in Southeast Asia is greatly reduced, but not totally removed, as it can be seen that there is still some issues on the demarcation of maritime borders with regards to the South China Sea. In Southeast Asia, the internal conflicts are becoming the greatest obstacle in terms of integration and development as it is affecting the regional stability within the

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