The Role Of Technology In Education

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The highest performing education systems are those that give all children opportunities for a good quality education (OECD 2012). Children’s life chances are strongly influenced by the quality of their education. Schools aim at providing children with knowledge, skills and interpersonal competences required for their development, adult life and contributions to economy and society. Schools can offer learning experiences that a child may not obtain at home, particularly if he or she is living in a disadvantaged environment (Heckman, 2008; Heckman, 2011) Quality education for learners is not about test scores but about the felt experience of learning, dwelling especially on their attitude to the tasks set (interesting/boring/easy/difficult)…show more content…
In the field of education, the function of technology in teaching is of great importance as of the use of information and communication technologies (Stošić, 2015). The rapid growth of using technology in education, via such applications of distance education, internet access, simulations, and educational games has raised substantially the focus and importance of educational technology research (Ross, Morrison, and Lowther 2010). E-mail, telephone systems, and overhead projectors and computers in the classroom are the most often used technology in schools. However, new teachers who enter the profession are developing those basic technologies and integrating more technology to their lessons and units (Kitson et al., 2007). Teaching with the help of technology is necessary to the development of students for the 21st Century (Zhao, 2009). Using an overhead projector for PowerPoint presentation is an excellent way to include technology daily. With the use of this technique, teachers can give the class notes or quizzes, watch clips from a movie, or provide examples on the lesson you introduce to your students. Another way of dealing a classroom with solo computer is to use a Classroom Performance System. The CPS enables the teacher to put a question on display thru the computer and the students select their answers using a remote control…show more content…
Dynarski et al. 2007; Kulik, 2003 conclusion stated that there are some major differences in the use of educational technology and traditional teaching. (Higgins, Xiao, Katsipataki 2012) Compared to technology based interventions, other researched interventions and approaches, such as peer tutoring or those who provide feedback to learners tend to produce higher levels of improvement. But the research at the Center for Educational Research in Pittsburgh within Individually Prescribed Instruction showed that computers are better tailored to the individual abilities of students, rather than teachers themselves. Educational technology must inevitably be integrated into classrooms and curricula (Clements and Sarama, 2003; Glaubke 2007; NAEYC and Fred Rogers Center,
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