Technology In Information Communication Technology

809 Words4 Pages
ABSTRACT Over the years Information Communication Technology (ICT) has been playing an unprecedented role in various horizons of human existence. In the academic field, however, is not left out in the exceptional roles played by ICT in the process of time. The prospect that lies in the application of ICT in educational delivery is of immense benefit to our present generation and those to come. The future of ICT holds a lot of unpredictable surprises in the world, as we see so many inventions these days in the respective fields of life, ranging from artificial intelligence to nano technology. This paper aims to amplify and bring to light the need for ICT competence of physics lecturers and its application for effective physics delivery in…show more content…
To achieve this goal, several strategies are put in place for effective, efficient and productive learning outcome. The teaching itself is not complete without a corresponding transfer of knowledge, which will bring about the desired change in behavior of learners. Educational curriculum planners over the years are faced with challenges in implementing the appropriate method of delivery to ensure this desired results are well attained without an obvious distortion of the objectives of teaching and learning. However, some side effect of this knowledge that is being transferred may be unseen, basically as a result of the teaching method implemented or the aim with which teaching is delivered. As a matter of fact, these and many more are paramount in the mind of current and future educational planners; to provide an educational system that meets the needs of individuals and the society at large. This hasn’t been an easy task for the planners of education as the ever changing educational environment and technology places more task and expectations on the planners of education, to draw up a curriculum system that is functional, relevant, effective, efficient, dynamic and…show more content…
The advent of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has brought a massive change in the way we think, the way we relate with another human, the way business is done, and the way people learn. Some of the unseen benefits of ICT are even more altering in the life of people and the society. The benefits of ICT cannot be overemphasized in the present world that we live in, globalization being one of the most obvious among these benefits. ICT has to a great extent changed the way education is administered over the years. With the advent of online education, learners don’t need to travel distances in search of quality education any more. Education at a distance is one big area where ICT has contributed in changing the world of education and many
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