The Role Of Corruption In The Public Sector

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Behind every aspect of corruption, there are real people who are affected. Corruption is omnipresent. In the private sector, corruption destroys incentives for entrepreneurship, restricts free markets, is a threat to already unstable economies, and allows for the illegal flow of money. In the public sector, corruption holds back citizens from accessing basic services, opportunities, and their rights. It is important to recognize education’s central role in preventing, as well as containing, corruption. Well-informed and educated citizens are active in monitoring government officials and institutions, which in turn lead to the building and consolidation of a responsive and responsible public administration. The role of positive and influential leaders is important in igniting the spark in youth to fight corruption at its basis. In coming decades the old “babu culture” will give away to mind sets these youths bring to their jobs and positions whether in public or private enterprises. Hence it is important that the youth be guided properly in fighting this menace.…show more content…
Corruption occurs because of many reasons. Lack of accountability, Lack of transparency in affairs and deals, Encouragement of unhealthy competition, non-diligent regulations, old outdated procedures, greed, convenience, and cultural entrenchment of corrupt practices are among many of the reasons for perpetuation of corruption. In day to day life the most common form of corruption we face is of bribery. But the youth must be aware that corruption is more than just bribery and grease payments. The payment of bribe to ‘policewala’ or ‘mamu’/ ‘thulla’ is just tip of the

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