Nigeria Foreign Policy Case Study

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The conditions of the domestic and external environments play major roles in determining a country’s foreign policy, and both environments are related in a complex and intricate manner (Saliu: 1999). The foreign policy of General Yakubu Gowon (1966 – 1975) was dictated by domestic constraints of prosecuting the Nigerian Civil War (1967 – 1970) and keeping the country as one indivisible political entity (Adeniran: 1985). Even after the war, the direction of Nigeria’s foreign policy continued to be influence by the country’s experience during the war and later by the soaring price of oil (Fawole: 2003). Similarly, General Sani Abacha (1993 – 1998) did not articulate a clear foreign policy. Rather, his tragic domestic policies including his crackdown on pro-democracy activists, gross abuse of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the arrest and detention of Chief Abiola in June 1994, the March 1995 phantom coup, the November 1995 hanging of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight Ogoni activists, and the controversial coup plot of December 1997 snowballed into diplomatic controversies and became the defining parameters of his regime’s foreign policy (Fawole: 1999).…show more content…
The impact of corruption on Nigeria’s foreign policy as discussed in Chapter Four include loss of image, international isolation, lack of foreign direct investment/divestment, depletion of external reserves/accumulation of foreign debt, and harassment of Nigerians

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