Public Administration Issues

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2.1 Critical issues of public administration as an academic discipline in developing countries The developing countries government facing the challenge of 21st century regarding creation of a system of governance that promotes and supports efficient interaction and at the same time ensuring welfare, safety, health and security of their citizens. It is necessary for the government of developing countries to strengthen their support to perform the functions which are required for ensuring socially equitable growth, enabling policies for participation in a globalizing economy and combating poverty. Khan (2013) suggested the following functions which will enable public administration of developing countries as an appropriate discipline.[4] a) Developing…show more content…
For example in Bangladesh, public administration is established as an academic discipline after 1960 by the effort of Professor Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury of Dhaka University who obtained PhD in Public Administration from universities of London. He took initiative to establish Master of Public Administration in Dhaka University in 1968-1969. Then other five universities of Bangladesh introduced public administration at bachelor and master level. Public administration in developing countries is an emerging discipline. It is still evolving and learning from relevant environment. It is not only a discipline but also a profession which facing a number of challenges. If we are fail to take remedial measure. The growth of public administration will be retarded by the upcoming challenges especially in the developing countries. 2.2 Critical issues of public administration as an academic discipline in developed countries Emphasis should be given on the day to day challenges facing leaders and managers in the public and non-profit service sector, such as dealing with complex and sensitive personnel issues. Budgetary and legal constraints • Assuring ethical decision making • Maintaining a professional and respected workforce • Delivering quality services…show more content…
Emphasis should be given on ethics and integrity in both the selection of appointed and elected public officials. This concern has intensified in the public sector and includes a focus on various types of ethical considerations that enter into both political and administrative decisions as well as examination of ways to promote more ethical behavior, responsive and accountability among public administrators. The growth of the information technology should be adopted to enhance knowledge, improve access and facilitate communication between citizens, elected officials and public administrators. The information technology supports give an opportunity to citizens to participate responsibly in public decision making like internet, World Wide Web and teleconferencing. It can be applied worldwide to achieve greater access to decision makers, improve efficiency in government and influence the outcome of public issues. Stoffregen et al. (2016) emphasized using open source e-learning technology on a means of learning for open educational resource of public administration. Public administration as an academic field of study then is far from a settled discipline [7]. The boundaries between it and other fields are blurred, and there are many loose ends in terms of what of study and how? It has a history of conflict with its parent discipline

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