Consumer Protection Act 1986

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The Consumer Protection Act, 1986, is a benevolent social legislation that lays down the rights of the consumers and provides for promotion and protection of the rights of the consumers. The first and the only Act of its kind in India, it has enabled ordinary consumers to secure less expensive and often speedy redressal of their grievances. By spelling out the rights and remedies of the consumers in a market so far dominated by organized manufacturers and traders of goods and providers of various types of services, the Act makes the dictum, caveat emptor (‘buyer beware’) a thing of the past. The word “Consumer” is not expressly mentioned anywhere; the philosophy of consumer justice is permeated and reverberated through the Preamble, Fundamental…show more content…
The urgent need is not merely to discuss how consumer forums can become active to spread greater awareness about these laws but to simplify these complex laws so that ordinary people can understand them and protect themselves from being exploited while purchasing goods or services. Consumer protection laws are explained in the Consumer Protection Act. In nearly every moment of every day, a person is a consumer of so many products and services. Being aware of consumer laws protects a consumer in case he/she is deceived or given faulty or damaged…show more content…
Hence, the aim of the legal system is to achieve the goals enshrined in the constitution. For this reason, laws should be consistent with the spirit of Constitution. Similarly, the aim of the consumer protection laws is to achieve the goal of consumer protection and at the same time they should also be consistent with the spirit of constitution. In order to examine a consumer protection law in the light of constitution there is a need of constitutional mandate on consumer protection. But a question arises, as to whether; the constitution carries any provision relating to consumer protection. On this background an effort has been made to examine the jurisprudence of consumer protection within the framework of Indian Constitution. The Consumer protection laws interpret the term 'consumer' in a broad way. In Union Bank of India v Anor Seppo Rally OY & Anor(1996) II CPR 221 (NCDRC), a question arose as to whether the complainant who procures a bank guarantee can be treated as a consumer under this Consumer Protection Act. In this case, salient points held by the National Commission were as

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