Paulo Fanon's Theory Of Empowering The Youth In Africa

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sportsmanlike qualities in the youth rather than focussing on empowering the youth in socio- economic and political activities, as a solution to national development (Fanon, 1961). Fanon (1961) argues that this is a retrogressive misconception and he points out that the young people of under-developed countries in 1961 are idle and that governments ought to provide occupations for them. In his view, empowering the youth would liberate Africa and bring forth sustainable development to Africa. Using “Human Capital” as a tool for sustainable development “Human beings are not only the most important means of social development; they are also its profoundest end. Being a fine piece of capital is not the most exalted state that can happen to a human…show more content…
Essentially through skills development, a country economically empowers its people because skills are a source for job opportunities. Sen (1998) considers skills as a means to eradicate social problems such as poor health care and poverty. Basically, if a government provides opportunity to its people to learn medical skills then it can later use these skilled people to provide good health care for the nation, this is the theory of human…show more content…
This involves using education as a tool to empower the society on social, economic and political issues for furtherance of development. Education is a powerful tool that is indispensable in empowering society by sensitizing people on their role, rights and obligations in socio-economic and political development. Freire (1968) considers the role of ethics in development and the need to educate society on its social and ethical responsibility in social, economic and political activities. In his theory, ethics is imperative in ensuring sustainable development because a failure in ethics staggers development. In considering the foregoing theory in development issues in Kenya, I consider the issue of corruption and its role in inhibiting social, economic and political development of our nation. Ochula (2012) argues that a solution to the corruption problem in Kenya would be to introduce ethics and moral education and trainings. Ochula (2012) avers that moral education, like character education is as old as society and education. He adds that moral education teaches core moral values, such as honesty and responsibility, care and helps to raise morally responsible and self-disciplined

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