The Negative Effects Of Video Games

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The ability to be able to read a book or newspaper has been around for hundreds of years. Being able to have a story written down in your own language and enjoy it without the need to remember every detail became a luxury. But more recently video games have become an adversary of the past time of reading a book while enjoying the outdoors. Video games first appeared in 1958 and the people playing these games have increased exponentially throughout the previous years. Many controversies of video games have come to light as many people are becoming addicted to the ultra-realistic games that have been appearing. Parents have begun to speculate the harm, if any, that comes from the prolonged use of video games by their children. The concern from…show more content…
Many studies have been performed on teens to test the cognitive effects video games have on them by psychologists. They have shown that many teens show an increase in attention and reasoning when playing video games that are interactive. Games such as farm simulator deal in scenarios where one must think ahead and reason before making actions to be able to prosper in an environment where finance and time crunch decisions are critical for succeeding. The playing of video games and reading seem to share a common attribute with one another; creativity. When playing video games such as Minecraft the player must think out of the box to create a world of their own imagination. Even though there are many positive aspects of playing video games there are also downfalls with prolonged use. When playing video games they can negatively impact one's eye that in the long term will make ones sight blurry and one may acquire the need for corrective lenses. The pastimes of video games and reading both take away from many teens time of studying and completing homework. The advantages and disadvantages of playing video games share many similarities with the act of reading a…show more content…
When teens play video games that deal with a fast pace and quick action necessity it can help develop and hone some of the important cognitive abilities. Call of Duty is a great example of the quick pace games and these games have been shown to improve a teens motor skills, perception abilities, and some fast decision-making skills. Another skill that can be acquired or enhanced is one's strategic ability especially when playing games that deal with real-world applications and expensive decision-making moments. Although Video gaming does improve many brain functions and skills it does not improve a teens learning ability for any academic education. Many would think that the differences between playing video games and reading are quite large but that is not the
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