Argumentative Analysis

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One paradigm about video games is that video games have positive effects on people. The theme around the positive effects is that it provides personal growth and also that the Researchers Susan Krauss, Stacy Ellenburg, and Kyoto Akimoto researched how the Facebook game “Bejewled Blitz” was used in the everyday lives of people. They introduced the fact that studies show video game benefits and that the studies benefited high brain functions (e.g reasoning, brain functioning, trail making) (Krauss, Ellenburg, Akimoto 894). They took a number of people and surveyed how they used the game and the reason they play it. Results show for the majority that 40% of the people play it for competition against friends and 51% of them say that the game makes…show more content…
They mainly focused on how video games benefit people socially, emotionally, cognitively, and how it motivates people. They noted that when using a shooter game that subjects improved their spatial skills and that it could compare to “effects of formal (high school and university-level) courses aimed at enhancing these same skills.” (Granic, Lobel, Engels 2013). The psychologists made it essential to say that not all video games enhance the same cognitive abilities, but they did state that all video games enhance the skill of creativity. They proposed that video games used the incremental theory of intelligence for motivating children, in which establishes the idea that video games can cultivate intelligence through effort time (Granic, Lobel, Engels 2013). This is possible by video games use of concrete and immediate feedback when using games. When faced with failure, they proposed that it is “motivational tools and provide only intermittent chances for large-scale success” (Granic. Lobel, Engels 2013). With emotion, they concluded that video games help generate positive…show more content…
It is that video game affects society as a whole. This can be from bringing in revenue with video game sales or helping out in schools. Video games have become a good tool for use in school. Del Siegle did research on how video games were implemented in schools. Siegle explained that video games and help prove some spatial skills. For example, he explained that “navigating in a 3-D space with fast-paced demands to make split second decisions, a characteristic of shooter games, can improve spatial skills” (Siegle 192). He proposes that video games can be a tool for motivation and could be used to show progression in a student while them having fun. He also discloses that “Games can increase motivation by fostering a growth mindset (Siegle 192). Video games has also brought a lot of revenue to the economy. Andre Marchard and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau disclosed that in 2012, video games brought in $67 billon globally (Marchard and Henning-Thurau, 2013). Video games can also be used in the used in the medical field and with health. Darren Warburton and his fellow associates did studies on how video games can improve health and fitness. They pointed out with their results that “[...] interactive video games results in greater improvements in health-related physical fitness than traditional cycling [...]” (Warburton 661). The experiments they conducted used tested musculoskeletal fitness, blood pressure, etc. Jung Eun Lee and his

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