The Modern Food Industry

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period of time were not abundant. This means that the food consumed depended on the season, regardless of who was eating it. The amount of the food eaten depended on how much the consumer could afford. Following this logic, this means that the nobles ate more food on a regular basis than the peasants, as they could afford more. They could also afford more variety, as seen in the use of spices. Despite the seasonal variety, meat, bread, and wine remained the “central nucleus of the nobles’ diet”. Meat was available for purchase throughout the year for those who had financial means. During this time, thanks to both barbarian influence and the increase in access to forests, meat was generally considered the healthiest part of the diet. There were…show more content…
Today, most of the world employs capitalism. In simple terms, capitalism is an economic system that values free enterprise and the accumulation of wealth. This drive to accumulate wealth often creates competition among businesses of all markets. As a result, this competition leads to innovation of all sorts. This model is seen in a repetitive cycle that is still going on today. The modern-day food industry falls into that same system. Innovations in the food industry are on a wide spectrum of possibilities. They can have to do with the food itself, such as new methods or chemicals used in preservation, or they could deal with the preparation of the food, such as new cooking technologies or methods. Regardless, these new innovations have led to a drastic changes in the modern day consumption of food compared to both the ancient Greeks, and Europeans of the middle ages. In turn, these changes have widened the gap in health between rich and…show more content…
Although when Europeans first discovered the land, they planned to bring over their food, culture, and customs. They did not anticipate the alternative also happening. Some food that was being produced in the Americas by the natives ended up spreading to Europe and the rest of the world. It’s impossible to tell which crops had the biggest impact, though corn is of vast importance when considering the history all the way through today. Since the second world war the production of corn has been subsidized by the United States government. This subsidization is one of the primary causing agents in the fact that “American corn production has tripled in the past 40 years”. The subsidies are not the only reason corn production is a prominent feature of American culture. Corn starch is the primary ingredient in high fructose corn syrup, one of those convenient innovations that were previously mentioned. High fructose corn syrup has a number of uses, including acting as a cheaper alternative to sugar, possessing a long shelf life, and preventing other foods from drying out. It plays an important role in the difference in diet between the rich and the poor in modern day

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