Essay On Food Packaging

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Theorotical Background: In ancient times, foodwas produced and consumed locally so there was no need for packaging. But as the civilizations grew, the need to contain, protect, and transport food supplies became critical. Primitive man used vessels and containers made of natural materials in form of tree leaves, bamboo, lotus leaves, palm leaves, gourds, coconut shells, shells and animal skin. With the discovery of minerals, ores and chemicals, development of metals and pottery lead to use of new materials including fabrics, ceramics, metals, wood ware, jade ware, and certain types of paper. Steam engines marked the beginning of Industrial Revolution. The packaging industry is an ancient industry that has been around since the early days of…show more content…
In this way, our predecessors used to deal with crude materials, for example, milk, fish or meat in a way that broadened their time spans of usability by utilizing down to earth strategies in view of what we now know as drying, curing or maturation. Hundreds of years after the fact and amid the modern upset toward the start of the nineteenth century, Appert built up the procedure for business disinfection of canned sustenance items, which thus opened the route to the improvement of safe nourishment items with delayed timeframes of realistic…show more content…
During this period, the advancement and development of newer materials and the implementation of bioactive compounds in the packaging strategies have made a revolution in the food industry. They seemed to have run in parallel with the implementation and development of latesttechniques for the identification and detection of emerging and longtime resistant food-borne pathogens. After we have known the microbial risks for every type of food product and the microbial targets are clearly identified, only then we can decide what bioactive compound is more suitable for each

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