Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was a revolution that effected the economy and society throughout the world in a positive way. Many people were employed in factories and the use of machinery increased the amount and quality of products produced in these factories. Even though the use of hazardous machinery and working in harsh working conditions resulted in a loss of lives, the Industrial Revolution was a blessing rather than a curse. Population, income, employment, and the use of technology significantly increased during the Industrial Revolution. Without the factory systems developed during this era in history, some of the modern cities known today would not be existing. The Industrial Revolution was the period of rapid industrial growth that…show more content…
The demand for cloth grew, and so did the price of the products for the consumer resulting in the use of machinery. Machinery such as the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, and the water frame were a blessing in this industry. These inventions allowed cloth to be cheaper to the consumer and got jobs done much quicker then they would be done by hand, but also required help from people to spin the machines and put string into the machines. Before the flying shuttle was invented, weaving cloth took up the maximum with of a person’s body. “John Kay’s invention allowed the shuttle, containing the thread, to be shot backwards and forwards across a much wider bed. The flying shuttle also allowed the thread to be woven at a faster rate, thus enabling the process of weaving to become faster (The “Flying Shuttle”)”. Using this machine effectively doubled a weaver’s production of cloth. The spinning jenny was also an important invention in the textile industry during the Industrial Revolution. It was invented by weaver James Hargreaves. Before the spinning jenny, yarn was produced by using wool and flax changing them into fiber using a spinning wheel. This spinning wheel and use of wool and flax was time consuming and only produced one piece of yarn at a time. When the spinning jenny was made, it became a blessing. It was able to spin and produce more yarn quickly without requiring wood or flax. “The invention of the machine was capable of spinning eight threads of cotton yarn, instead of the spinning wheel’s one (The “Spinning Jenny”)”. Another reason the spinning jenny and flying shuttle were a blessing was because they were able to be used at home. This added an even larger amount of cloth and yarn being produced. “All this time the processes of spinning and weaving were still being carried out at home. This was possible because both the flying shuttle and the spinning
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