The Importance Of Volunteering

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The effective and efficient staging of multi-sports events relies heavily on volunteers (J.M. Farrell, Johnston, & Twynam, 1998; Giannoulakis, Wang, & Gray, 2007). Similarly, volunteers are needed on a regular basis to fulfil tasks in sports clubs, communities (Hyde, Dunn, Bax, & Chambers, 2014). Due to the large recruitment of volunteers at sports events, there is potential for volunteers to enter regular volunteering after the sports event is over. However, the differences that characterise sports events and regular volunteering activities may be too much for individuals to take up regular volunteering after taking part in a sports event. To improve volunteer recruitment and retaining volunteers, it is important to try to understand some of the underlying reasons for…show more content…
This theory is one of many related to individual behaviours and motivation to conduct such behaviours (Ajzen, 1991). As expected, the volunteer group had a set of beliefs that were significantly different from non-volunteers, in particularly in feeling useful, being able to help those in need, the sense of gaining pleasure and satisfaction, the opportunity to meet people, and having something to do by being tied down and committed to it (Warburton et al., 2001). This combined information has been important for recruitment of volunteers and assessing training needs of new volunteers. Irrespective of age, altruism is a common shared outcome among volunteers. Young volunteers are also keen to doing something good for others even if it means it to the disadvantage of themselves (Tschirhart, Mesch, Perry, Miller, & Lee, 2001). Regardless of age, volunteers have been known to seek satisfaction through volunteering, whether it is a sense of achievement, that it meets the individual’s values, or, to a lesser extent, offer altruistic motives (Finkelstein,

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