A Career In Health Care

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Fast forward twenty years into the future. The world I outlined in my social vision statement exists. I have a successful career in health care and I am able to efficiently balance this career with a family. I am well on my way to achieving the goals I have set. My values and personal beliefs influence the decisions that I make. This is the dream that I have for my life. Let me tell you how I plan to accomplish this dream. My goal is to become a health care professional. After finishing my undergraduate degree, the first step towards achieving this goal is to attend graduate school. I plan to attain both a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Hospital Administration. I then want to find a job in a leading health care system. Health care has become my passion because it benefits society. People seek out health care only when it is a necessity and it is something that everyone needs at some point in their life. Two factors have contributed to my interest in health care. The first is volunteering. Since high school, volunteering has become another one of my passions. My heart particularly lies with a charity called the Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald House…show more content…
As a manager, I want to stress my values in the day-to-day aspects of my job. Equality in the workplace is something that I will encourage. I will hire a diverse group of employees to obtain different viewpoints. I believe that diversity will pay a role in decreasing discrimination in the workplace. I want to ensure that patients are not discriminated against because of their social status or ability to pay for treatment. I want to work in a hospital that does not turn away the poor. As an administrator, I will encourage my employees to think of their work as not just a job, but as a way to help people. I will show that I value learning and growth in the workplace and I will give my employees opportunities to better
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