Assignment: Creating A Positive Work Environment

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Assignment: Creating a positive work environment Moza Hamood Al sinawi Anna Stanliska 15th Oct 14 2012-2955 Table of contents: Contents……………………………………………………………… 1 Introduction………………………………………………………… 2 Discussion…………………………………………………………….3 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………4 References……………………………………………………………5 Introduction: The main goal of this report is to is revile what does creating a positive work environment mean and what are the steps that managers and owners of organizations should apply in their workers environment in order to achieve high performance. The main methods used in this report is the internet server and…show more content…
This issue is strongly related to Organizational behavior because OB is the study of how people behave in work places and how people with different personalities cope together in a certain work place in order to create a positive work place. When they are conflicts at work place they are different effects depending on how the issue is managed, when it comes to creating a positive work environment the issues that can affect it are for example an employee who is always complaining over certain things and is not motivated to do his job and always spread around his negative energy among his colleagues, when managers have employees like these around their work place, they have to take immediate actions and try to change the employees negative attitudes, it can be by trying to motivate the employee or talk to them and try to figure out the reason of his behavior because sometimes the employees miss behavior can be because of his salary or life issues that can be solved…show more content…
They are many characteristics of a successful positive work place that managers should try to apply to their employees like training and developing the employee, recognition for hard work and encouraging the employee to keep up the good work, communication and transparency between the employee and managers is a must in order to understand each side’s needs, strong team spirit and trusting each other. Creating a positive work environment is strongly related to Organizational behavior because OB is the way people behave in a work place and that work place has to certainly be a positive work place for both employees and
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