Voice In Dead Poets Society

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At first glance, finding your voice seems like a simple thing to do, but is it? In the movie Dead Poets Society deals with finding your own voice in order to express yourself in a better way in writing and speaking. In the book, How to Become a Straight A Student, Cal Newport focused on the writing process and how the most important part is not the writing itself but the thinking process. In order to become a strong writer you need to find your voice and know how to express it in words, have different views or perspectives, and be able to have determination and think by yourself. According to the Dead Poet Society, Mr. Keating thought that he best way to become a strong writer was to express your voice in writing or in his case poetry. In the movie one of his methods was to assign the students an assignment about poetry, they had to create an original poem about themselves. I would of thought that this would have been an easy task to do, but the movie showed otherwise. Almost all the student struggles to write a poem and to express their voice in writing. Mr. Keating challenged the students to do oral presentation about the poem they created but no one had the courage to do that. “You must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think of them odd or unpopular”, in the movie Mr. Keating said this…show more content…
Through the course of the movie one particular student never had the courage to speak his voice about one particular interest he
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