English Language Analysis

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Reading and Writing 140b Course at CRUV Xenia Vigil Morales Acquiring and learning a second language do not refer only to handling oral communication skills. It is more than that; it takes the students´ abilities in enhancing their lexicon, their management in syntax, and their perspective about words´ influences in people. Thus, this is summed up in the way that ESL students should have a great deal about linguistic knowledge. In other words, ESL learners not only have to speak, but also read, write and think in English when they finish any English career. For most of the ESL institutes and Universities in Panama, where it is taught English as a second language, this is their main goal, developing critical thinking in their students who can…show more content…
To begin with this analysis, it would be selected one explicit English subject in one specific University. National University of Panama, particularly CRUV, has an acquiescent English department; nevertheless, it does not escape the reality of other Educational centers about their organizational structures. For instance, some of the concerns I have faced as an English student and as a future English professor at CRUV related to its English educational plans are: when is it good to teach phonetics in an ESL program? Is it appropriate to teach grammar, conversation, reading and writing separately? So, the aim of this reflection is providing a different view about organizing, teaching and presenting linguistic cognitions to our ESL student at CRUV principally in the subject of reading and writing…show more content…
These two aspects are the sub topics in the module. However, I think it would be better to introduce this theme in the first semester which is longer, so students have more opportunities to acquire this knowledge. In addition, I do not agree in the relationship between the sub topics and the main objective of the module, mastering the sequential order of ideas to form a paragraph, because since my point of view, the content does not cite any cognitive strategy to control the order of paragraphs. Moreover, I believe that before mastering the correct order structure of a paragraph, it is needful that students can recognize the different types of paragraphs in a reading, and this would be exposed in the second
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