The Importance Of Career Roles In Nursing

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Nurses is a symbol of healthcare. For centuries nurses has been a practice, however it wasn’t till Florence Nightingale that nursing became an established as a profession, she created the foundations of modern nursing. Nightgale released Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not (1860) which were the first documented notes on the philosophy of nursing. (Crisp, Douglas, Rebeiro & Waters, 2009). Following that she founded the Nightingale Training School for Nurses; the first institution for nursing. Nursing has had a huge leap from then to now. Primitively nursing focused on the care of ill patients, learning as they did the job since there was no qualifications required to enter the industry. No qualifications also lead to a hierarchy…show more content…
Australia has a number of professional bodies dedicated for nursing Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association, Australian College of Nursing, Australian General Practice Network, Australian Government Department of Health ,Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Australian Wound Management Association and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia ("Nurse Education and Professional Bodies",…show more content…
Some career roles include but are not limited to: clinical nurse, nurse practitioner, nurse manager, nurse educator, nurse researcher and legal nurse analyst. ("100 Best Things to Do With A Nursing Degree", 2018) My aim is to work in the clinical setting and specialize as a nurse anaesthetist. To become a nurse and work in the clinical setting as 82.2% of nurses do (AUSTRALIA’S FUTURE HEALTH WORKFORCE – Nurses, 2014) legally they must first become a registered nurse which has standards to obtain it. These standards include: a criminal history check, appropriate professional indemnity insurance, be at a certain level of English language skills, continuing professional development and adequate practice since registration ("Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Registration Standards", n.d.). Nurses are also required to work under set guidelines for “continual professional development” by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. There is a range of values that will help one succeed within the professional nurse setting, in a survey questioning over 300 nurses, “human dignity, ensuring equality between patients and suffering prevention” were rated as the top 3 professional values (Rassin, “Nurses' Professional and Personal Values.”, 2008). Looking at these results, they all require strong interpersonal skill such as a firm sense of empathy and compassion to

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