Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis

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“Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.” said Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple computer and Pixar animation studios. Steve Jobs told three important stories to the graduating students of Stanford university. Through his stories he highlights the significance of doing what one loves. In his first story he told how he dropped out of college after the first six months and started taking classes that interested him. Through his second story he mentions how he started Apple in his garage with his friend and grew his business into the company we know now. In his last story, he talks about how close he was to death and that made him realize to live life like it’s his last day. Therefore, he argues that college degree…show more content…
In the beginning of his second story, he mentions how he started Apple with his friend in the garage and grew from there. When Jobs turned thirty, he got kicked out of his own company because the board of directors favored the vision of the manager instead of jobs vision for the company. “How can you get fired from a company you started?”(Jobs 2) This question creates an awful and sad feelings towards his audience. It also makes his audience feel sympathy for him. After five years, he started another successful company called NeXT. This evokes in his audience feelings of inspiration and admiration. In his last story, Jobs states that he was diagnosed with cancer, where he has come close to facing death. But luckily, his cancer turned out to be curable. The indication of this story establishes the challenges one can face, allowing the audience to emotionally feel shock and concern. This experience has helped him view life a bit differently. “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?”(Jobs 3) This statement makes the audience sympathize with those that live someone else’s life instead of living their

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