Business Process Reengineering Case Study

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Assignment 2: Lahari Edulla Chapter 2 Question #1 response: 2. How could a business use information technology to increase switching costs and lock in its customers and suppliers? Use business examples to support your answers. Answer Interest in information technology permits a business to lock its customers and suppliers and in addition different contenders by building profitable and advantageous new business association with them. Such relationship dissuades the gatherings from forsaking an organization for its rival's item or going for less beneficial business courses of action. Concentrating on nature of a product and services to clients and suppliers in an firm's dispersion, promoting, sales and administration offices is the…show more content…
“How Information Gives You Competitive Advantage”. July, 1985 Question #3 response: 5. What strategic role can information play in business process reengineering? Business process reengineering is about reconsidering and radical update of business procedure to accomplish emotional upgrades in cost, quality, speed and administration. Business Process reengineering is likewise about making a strategy of promoting business advancement so that company prepare with the goal that organization can turn out to be much more grounded and fruitful. Information technology assumes significant part in Business Process reengineering. The speed, data preparing abilities and availability of PCs and web innovations can considerably expand the effectiveness of business procedures, as well a correspondence and joint effort among the general population in charge of their operation and administration. Using information technology all the procedure of business can be united in an orderly structure, every procedure encouraging another procedure for productive and powerful results. Reference Davenport, T., “Process Innovation: Reengineering Work Through Information Technology”, Harvard Business School Press,…show more content…
Duplicating is a human instinct; we can't maintain a strategic distance from this. Yet, it doesn't imply that innovation can't give upper hand to the association. There is dependably a benefit of being first. Whatever might come tomorrow however individuals will never forget the principal item as a pioneer. There are a few brands of iPods however apple is the equivalent word to it. Furthermore, if there should arise an occurrence of innovation, innovation continues becoming ordinary. It doesn't have the end. In the event that others take after our present innovation to mimic we can simply go for the headway and create something new. There is continually something new coming up. Halfway the reality of the matter is that after at some point it turns into the need that simply raise the stake of recreations yet that what is improvement about. On the off chance that our people had thought the same thing subsequent to concocting then today we wouldn't have been utilizing portable

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