The Pros And Cons Of College Education

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Teachers often advise students when college-searching to find the college of their dreams. They advise students to find the college they feel most at home or the college that has the best program for the selected major, but how can students decide on that college knowing how much it costs to attend? The United States, unlike many other countries, still force students to pay for college, despite the amount of jobs that require a continued education after high school. Students must sign up for loans they would spend the rest of their lives trying to pay back, even after various scholarships and grants they receive. Despite this, many critics argue that college is not a choice, and having a tuition-free education will not help the lower-income families. College education should be tuition-free. The United States continues to grow in the business field and the technological field, so why isn’t the educational field growing as well? As the years have past, the United States hasn’t been ranked first for education, but perhaps this is because many people simply cannot afford the high prices of college education. In 2013, Finland ranked number six, while the United States ranked eighteenth (“The…show more content…
This means that instead of college charging students tuition, the costs would in return be covered by taxes or organizations. Bernie Sanders recently proposed a plan to rid of tuition funding. It only applies to public schools and does not cover room and board. However, grants could potentially cover these costs, and Sanders proposed to triple the federal work study program to build work experience and help with this. The University of California offered free tuition until the 1980s, and in 1965, many colleges did not charge tuition at all, including the City University of New York (“On the Issues: It’s Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt

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