Literature In Teaching English

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Teaching English have evolved taking into consideration relevant aspects such as proficiency, needs and interests of students. Some studies have reported that children´s literature is an effective and significant way not only to teach English, but also to help learners to grasp the language. It is pertinent to know how children’s literature have been implemented into classroom and its pedagogical benefits. This paper expose some studies that show how teachers in development have used stories to help kids to learn English by developing language skills (Porras, 2010), and why many of the stories for infants are useful tools to activate students’ motivation and facilitate learning of a foreign language (Abu Rass and Holozman, 2010).…show more content…
From a pedagogical approach, this study was conducted by eight teachers in development at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, the researchers were divided into three small groups to become familiar with research techniques, syllabus design and history teaching methodology. Once they did that, they found students’ needs through direct observation, a survey and a diagnostic test which was design to know students prior knowledge of the foreign language. Then the test was divided into two parts: the first one consisted of vocabulary games for creating a relaxing environment and the second consisted of a handout with different vocabulary activities. When they realized the students' needs, they designed the course syllabus and a proposal which was about stories created around characters selected by children such as cartoon and fairy tales characters. To achieve this, the eight researchers designed some classes around the stories they created. For reading each one, they implemented pre-reading, while reading, and post reading. During the pre-reading stage they created rapport to present the story by decorating the room with big posters. Then students were involved in vocabulary games, songs, poems and matching…show more content…
The two previous researches support the importance of the use of children's literature to supplement the language learning process. Both presented similar outcomes since they supported the idea of including reading activities into the curriculum or lesson plans as a strategy to facilitate comprehension and learn any language. Also both concert with the different types of literature to help trainees to increase intrinsic factors such as motivation, participation and
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