The Importance Of Mobile Advertising

1624 Words7 Pages Entertainment According to Ducoffe (1996) (as cited in McQuail 1983) defined entertainment as “the ability of mobile SMS message that able to influence target customers in terms of message entertainment aspects which considered as a basics on the content of delivered message as well as escapism, diversion, and emotional enjoyment.” Entertainment contributes to the enjoyment and pleasure of the message (Xu 2006) via mobile devices (Richard and Meuli 2013). It is an amusing and enjoyable experience through the media (Okazaki 2008). Entertainment is exceedingly important for mobile advertising (Haghirian et al. 2005, Sevtap et al. 2011). Some authors believe it is the most important feature of the content of messages that influences overall attitude. It is a key aspect by which consumer attitude toward mobile advertising can be affected (Tsang…show more content… Irritation “The time that SMS advertisements by mobile marketing were used and employed as a tactics that annoy, offend, insult, or are overly manipulative” (Ducoffe 1996 p.23). Ducoffe also highlights that irritation can be caused by advertising that is not in line with a customer’s attitude, may be insulting to their dignity, intelligence, gender, race, lifestyle etc., and upsets or shocks the customer, leaving them with a negative attitude. Other methods of mobile advertising, while not leading to the strong reactions as outlined above, may simply irritate the customer and cause them to develop a negative reaction (Saadeghvaziri and Hosseini 2011). Irritation is when bad advertising annoys consumers, it is one of the major reasons that customers grow disenchanted with mobile advertising and become very critical of it. (Liu et al. 2012). Factors such as: • numbers of messages, • the frequency of advertisements, • content of messages, •
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