Consumer Attitudes Towards Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer attitudes can be defined as a combination of the consumer’s views, opinions and behaviors towards a particular object, product or service in a marketing context. Consumer purchase intentions can be defined as a consumer’s plan of buying a product or service at some point in the near future. According to research conducted by Varshney and Joy (2015), mobile marketing is an excellent channel and tool to reach prospective customers because of its growing popularity, acceptance and use worldwide. It is very convenient and helpful for people to receive product related information on mobile devices as it enables them to remain updated on most recent offers and advertisements. Numerous studies indicate that mobile marketing is imperative…show more content…
Results validated their hypothesis that positive attitude towards mobile advertising lead to positive and favorable purchase intentions. In view of the universality of advertising, academics have been diligently investigating attitudes and behaviors with regard to advertising for over three decades. The first scholars to investigate the impact of advertising on consumers’ attitudes and buying behaviors were Bauer and Greyser (1968).From then onwards, this concept has remained an important and pertinent topic of researches and investigations because of advertising’s increasing influence on consumer attitudes towards it and the subsequent impact of positive attitude on positive buying intentions. Studies have demonstrated presence of a positive attitude of consumers with regard to mobile marketing and the study conducted by Drossos, Giaglis, Vlachos, Zamani and Lekakos (2013) validated this. Due to a mobile phone’s personalized nature and its ability to provide continuous and instantaneous communication with anyone in the world are the reasons why consumers are more attracted towards mobile advertisement. The research also revealed that permission based mobile advertisement was more favored by consumers as compared to non-permission based mobile advertisement. The most important thing revealed by this study is that it validated that fact that positive…show more content…
Zabadi, Shura and Elsayed (2012) conducted a study focused on analyzing consumer attitudes with regard to mobile marketing and it was concluded that a consumer’s attitude towards mobile advertisement not only determines the success of the campaign but also heavily influences the buying intentions of consumers who receive mobile advertisements. Andersson and Nilsson (2000) in their study proved that mobile marketing and the mobile marketing medium are important determinants of success of mobile marketing campaign and also in obtaining the targeted objectives of the campaign. In line with Fishbein’s Attitude Theory, an incentive like mobile advertisement of a brand directly affects a consumer’s beliefs which influence the development of a particular attitude towards the brand. The developed attitude in turn determines the consumers’ purchase intentions of that brand’s products or
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