Difference Between Localization And Localisation

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Title: Translation vs. Localisation - Understanding the Difference Meta: Learn the difference between translation and localisation so you can use them correctly for your next multilingual marketing projects. (Image credit: Stock Snap) Even the biggest brands commit marketing blunders when they attempt to reach a wider audience via direct translation. Translation and localisation have an almost similar definition so the terms are often used interchangeably and in the wrong way. Some marketers are also unaware of the subtle differences between the two terms, causing miscommunication with their target markets. If a message is only translated word-per-word into another language, its original meaning might get lost and become unclear. Keep…show more content…
This is more of directly transferring the meaning from one language to another. Localisation, meanwhile, is defined as the ‘adaptation of a product, application or document content to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific target market’ (‘Localisation vs. Internationalization’). This process is not just transferring the meaning of a word into another language. Factors such as the audience’s culture, legal requirements, numeric formats, symbols, icons, and graphics should all be considered when taking on a localisation task. Importance of Localisation in Global Marketing To understand the importance of localisation, here are several facts from OneSky’s blog article discussing the effectiveness of the method: 1. Localised mobile advertising campaigns are 86% more effective than English campaigns in gaining click-throughs and conversions. 2. The click-through rates of advertisements can improve up to 42% when adapted to the country’s locale. 3. Based on a survey, 72.4% of international consumers prefer to shop online using their native…show more content…
This should be done if you are a business selling goods or services that are unique or not heard of in that place. A good example of a successful transcreation is Coca-Cola’s Share a Coke campaign. From 2013 - 2014, supermarket shelves were filled Coke cans and bottles featuring common names from different countries. The campaign started in Australia and then spread to New Zealand, Asia, Europe, and America. Each country has its own unique twist to the campaign. China, for instance, added popular local nicknames on the Coke cans. The sign ‘Share a Coke with Wills and Kate’ is used in Great Britain to celebrate the birth of the royal baby. • Local regulations and legal requirements - Part of the localisation process is understanding the technical and legal requirements of a country. For example, if you are selling a product in Canada, make sure that you follow the country’s strict bi-lingual regulations. Companies also need to be aware of the local idioms and slang to make sure that you do not offend

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