The Importance Of Mathematics In Mathematics

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SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION This section will give a description of the background of the study. The section will start with the background information, the statement of the problem, research questions, and the significance of the study as well as the definition of terms. 1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The primary purpose of teaching at any level of education is to bring a fundamental change in the learner (Tebabal and Kahssay, 2011).Now, to facilitate the process of transmission, Mathematic teachers should apply appropriate teaching methods that will help improve the academic performance of their students, and thus best suits specific objectives and level exit outcomes. There has been a correlation between the teaching methods applied by grade 12…show more content…
Mathematics teachers have always tried to encourage their students to work hard in this subject as it requires students to put more effort and develop the spirit of practising and solving problems on their own, therefore this study will take a look on the improvement of grade 12 student’s performance in Mathematics using better teaching methods or practices. 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The study will sought answers to the following questions 1. Is there a correlation between the grade 12 student’s performance in Mathematics and the teaching methods applied by their Maths teachers? 2. What best practices can Mathematics teachers make use in teaching the grade 12 students? 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TUDY It is hoped that this study will benefit both the Mathematics teachers and the grade 12 students at secondary schools since various teaching methods will be discussed that might assist on improving the students’ performance. It is also envisaged that the study will also benefit the other young researchers who might want to make a replica of this study to their settings or populations elsewhere in Namibia or…show more content…
SECTION 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION This section will review literature that is related to the study. The review will start by looking at how Mathematics is taught at high school, discuss the best practices for teaching Mathematics and finally emphasize on the correlation between the students’ performance in Maths and the teaching methods applied by their teachers. 2.2 TEACHING MATHEMATICS AT HIGH SCHOOL Looking at how many people viewed Mathematics as a subject in the past shows that Mathematics was regarded as a tough subject that not all the students can do but only be done by smart learners. Currently, learners are more into the world of Mathematics and thus prepared to learn Mathematics to the best of their ability. According to Maria Miller, teachers teaching Mathematic at high schools should strive to teach for understanding of Mathematics concepts and procedures , the “why” something works , and not only the “how”. This understanding is not something that comes immediately but may take several years to grasp a concept. An example is the concept of significant figures, this is something that
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