The Importance Of Inclusive Education

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Education is an active agent of social change. The instructive outlook in the present scenario has undergone most important revisions over the years. The term ‘inclusive education’ has become so used and abused that it has little meaning. Its application to everything from school effectiveness to civil rights to political manifestos renders it vacuous and susceptible to those critiques which accuse it of masking inadequacies (Jenny Corbett(year). The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE 1944) Sergeant report necessities the education of the differently abled to shape a vital part of the national system of education. According to this report, differently abled children were to be sent to special schools only when the nature and extent…show more content…
The objective of the IEDSS scheme is to enable the disabled children who have completed eight years of elementary education to continue their education at the secondary stage (class IX to XII) in an inclusive environment in regular schools. This information was given by Shri. D. Napoleon, the Minister of State for Social Justice& Empowerment. A group that forms a very important part of equity issues under SSA is Children with Special Needs (CWSN). The key thrust of SSA is to provide inclusive education to all children with special needs in general schools. SSA ensures that every child with special needs, irrespective of the kind, category and degree of disability, is provided quality inclusive education. It supports a wide range of approaches, options and strategies for education of children with special needs. In the survey (2015-16) 132353 children with Special Needs in the age group of 6-18 were indentified and out of which 118132 are studying in Regular…show more content…
The extreme official procedure and red tape integral in Individual with Disabilities Act become a burden the shoulders of parents and teachers. There is paucity of trained teachers for specially abled children. In rural school districts, some special education teachers play a one man show. Most of the parents find it difficult to enroll their child in a private school where the fee is high. In addition many parents are not aware of the provisions provided in the Indian constitution for Special children. Special children are likely to engage in tough behavior than their general education peers. Demanding behavior that defies teachers is the report of the class teacher. Often addressing challenging behavior in the classroom can be exhausting and demoralizing for special education teachers. One of the foremost tribulations is that teachers feel underprepared by teacher training agenda to meet these

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