Essay On Disobedience

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The observed quote “Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion” by Irish author Oscar had made some important bold and valuable statements about disobedience. Disobedience can be valued and sought as a good and bad thing. Ideally, disobedience can bring the angel or the evil out of someone. For instance, Many significant people in history were disobedient. Disobedience and rebellion are mainly identified as important elements for the process of change. There have been multiple occasions of the act of disobedience and rebellion in the past by many historical people. Some historical people include Martin…show more content…
These remarkable people stood up for what they believed in to impact other people's lives for the better. Within the quote Wilde explained that disobedience is not necessarily a bad trait to have, however it is the reasoning that disobedience creates progress. Rosa Parks stood up for herself and the other African Americans during her time, and for those in the future who struggle with racism and discrimination. Parks had been known for being disobedient but not towards the authorities. This is because she was the one doing something wrong, however the authorities were the ones who were wrong by the way they supported discrimination and arrested her for standing up for African Americans rights. Parks wanted to make valid statement by sitting in the front of the bus, in order to ensure that all humans deserve the right to equal rights no matter the color of their skin. Parks helped change the laws between African Americans and whites by granting African Americans the same privilege as whites. Without her rebellion and disobedience, the laws that once existed might not have changed. Disobedience and rebellion acts upon how one perceives it. Disobedience and rebellion individualizes people amongst their unrecognized strengths which can change lives, just like in these following
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