Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

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As more and more women are going out to work, they face an increasing risk of being harassed or rather being subjected to some sort of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment at workplace is not a new thing. Sixty percent of working women have faced sexual harassment at some point of their working lives. For every woman who raises an outcry, there are hundreds who suffer in silence, quit their jobs or get transfers. For years, sexual harassment was considered as inescapable part of a working woman’s life. Now, awareness is slowly raising that no woman should meekly accept sexual harassment as part of her life. Women should be able to feel comfortable in their place of work. If somebody is being sexually harassed, it can be reported to the authorities…show more content…
9th Dec. 2013.This statute superseded the Vishaka guidelines issued by the Supreme Court in the year 1997. The act uses the definition of sexual harassment, which was laid down by the Vishaka judgment by the Supreme Court in 1997. The act is based on the idea that sexual harassment violates a woman’s rights in the workplace and is thus not just a matter of personal…show more content…
in the public and private sector, organized and unorganized, hospitals, nursing homes, educational institutions, sports institutes, stadiums, sports complex and any place visited by the employee during the course of employment including the transportation. Even non-traditional workplaces, which involve tele commuting, will be covered under this law. The term ‘employee’ (Sec. 2f) includes regular, temporary, ad hoc, daily wage employees and persons who are working on a voluntary basis i.e. without remuneration. The term also includes contract workers, probationers, and trainees. The Act defines “aggrieved woman” (Sec. 2a) to mean: In relation to a workplace, a woman, of any age whether employed or not, who alleges to have been subjected to any act of sexual harassment by the

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