Aboriginal Health

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The current condition of the Aboriginals health is influenced by many historical factors as mentioned above. Their traditional perspective of health is holistic. It includes everything important in their lives, such as land, physical body, community, law, and relationships (Stanesby, 2012).Therefore, when these factors are affected; it is directly reflected in their health status. Similarly, the social-determinant theory has linked the health of the Aboriginals to the inequity way of living (Martin, 2012). The socio-economic disadvantages that they experienced throughout different generations exposed them to live in conditions which are not supporting good health like living in remote areas and facing various environmental risk factors (Devitt…show more content…
Historically, they did not accept being assimilated and so they paid from their human rights and social justice in return. In 2006, they led a campaign under the name of “Close the gap” initiative which is still running till now. One of its aims is to close the health gap through implementing the human rights which is based on the social justice report in 2005. Through this campaign, the Aboriginal people, their representative with the governmental support set a health equality plan to help in achieving a better health services (Robinson, Eickelkamp & Katx, 2008). The “National Apology” is another step where the Aboriginal people moved toward their social justice in 2008. There are also some Reconciliation moves and organizations that played a clear role in various fields. For example, Narragunnawali Reconciliation move in Canberra foster the Aboriginal history and cultures in schools. Narragunnawali is a word from the language of the Ngunnawal people meaning peace, alive, wellbeing and coming together. Yet, the government should revise and assess the progress and achievements of these moves to ensure that the Aboriginals rights and needs are fulfilled (Calma, 2009). On the international side, the Indigenous people extended their efforts through a series of international conferences. Amnesty International move is committed to ensuring that the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’ is implemented (Rollock & Gordon, 2000). The declaration includes the right to self-determination which is affirmed in article 3 of the convention. It encourages the Indigenous participation and developing their social-cultural programs. However, the government need to ensure that the obligations and policies about the Aboriginals rights are fulfilled in different states and territories as it is still not fully
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