Inclusion And Inclusive Education

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INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Since the 1990s, the concepts of inclusion and inclusive education have taken a particular importance in the educational speech, being a contribution to that the principles and orientations advocated in official declarations from diverse international organisations, pointing to significant changes in the way to address the school’s paper and role in modern society. As relevant we should make note to the World Conference on Education for All (UNESCO, 1990), the World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and Quality (UNESCO, 1994), the World Education Forum adopted in Dakar (UNESCO, 2000), and, more recently, in 2006, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2008). In effect, to universalize…show more content…
Such goal implies a quality education, in which, beyond the appreciation and the respect of individual features, interests and needs, it is seek to contribute to the development of facilitating competences for participation and citizenship. And, since Inclusive Education as been being recognized as a goal to reach by educational systems all over the world, some authors underline the urgency of creating communities of inclusive learning for all the students (Curcic, 2009; Katz, 2012; 2013; UNESCO, 2009). That requires significant changes not only in the way of foreseeing the role and the duties of the school and the teachers in the educational process, as well as in the way to develop pedagogic practices that ensure learning to everyone. That being said, in addition to the implementation of measures of educational politics that ensure the access to school, it is important to ponder pedagogic process that allow, whether an effective participation in different contexts or the learning achievement by…show more content…
Such implies that the school restructures itself in the sense of accepting all the students, regardless of their disabilities or origins (Bossaert, Colpin, Pijl, & Petry, 2013), dissociating itself from explanations about school failure based on the individual features of the children and their families, favouring the identification and analysis of barriers that might limit participation and learning (Ainscow & Miles, 2013; Booth & Ainscow, 2002). In this regard, Ainscow and Miles (2013) consider that the lack of resources or professionals’ experience, the inadequacy of curriculum, teaching methods and attitudes might be factors that influence negatively attendance, participation and learning on part of certain students. It is understandable that existing concernment focus on the practical application of an inclusive pedagogy, thus the search to identify pedagogic models that facilitate the social and academic inclusion, assuring the endagement and participation of all the students (Katz,

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