Essay On Accessibility

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The environmental barriers are most of the time discussed under the umbrella term ‘accessibility’ (Useh et al., 2001). Although accessibility is a well-known and frequently used word, there is no unambiguous definition for it (Iwarsson and Stahl., 2003 in Shoodihal, 2006) and a number of authors have argued matters about its definition. The standard definition of accessibility in the fourth edition of the dictionary ‘the ease with which one place can be reached from another’ which included interactions with other places and services, transport and communication constraints and other social-economic barriers (Gregory et al., 2009 in Wang et al., 2013) was further broaden in the fifth edition to include more variables such as information available, language and culture barriers, education and skills and other social-economic barriers. Aday and Andersen (1974) argued for a wider definition of accessibility, which should extend beyond the physical component and take into consideration the impact of financial, informational and psychological aspects on accessibility. Their views were supported by Marten and Gillespie (1978) and (Antonio and Peter (2007). Gulliford et al (2002) proposed three other aspects of accessibility (i.e. financial, organizational and socio or cultural barriers) beyond physical accessibility (Wang, 2013 p.6).…show more content…
Several physical barriers that have been consistently identified by students with disabilities are steep ramps, heavy doors and raised thresholds at school entrance, lack of elevators to a second level, and inadequate accessibility to school playgrounds (Hemmingsson and Borell,2000; Pivik, McComas, and LaFamme, 2002 in Shamberg, 2001). School canteen should have wheelchair-accessible food aisles, food placed within reach of people who use a wheelchair, and accessible seating
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